Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Breen and Gibbs on Post-Christendom

Here's another clip I originally discovered via the Out of Ur blog. The video features Lance Ford interviewing Mike Breen and Eddie Gibbs on the life of the church in post-Christendom. The clip below will give you a taste of the interview. A longer segment is available at www.shapevine.com. In that longer segment, Gibbs makes a statement that merits reflection:

"Get out of your self-serving programs and give more of your time and energy to being the church in dispersion, and to resource the church to be that. Because in a post-Christendom context, I believe that 80 percent of our ministry should be taking place off the church campus."

Here's the shorter clip:

The Medium is the Message

I first encountered Marshall McLuhan's assertion that "the medium is the message" during my first year of graduate school, in a class on postmodern literature that had a large impact on my subsequent reading habits. In the clip below, posted on the Out of Ur blog, Shane Hipps talks about his new book, Flickering Pixels, by referring to McLuhan.